Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Crazy days

The life of a mom with three kids and pregnant with one that is not hers is crazy!!! Those women that have more I envy you. I feel like my whole week consists of taxiing my kids around. Abby is in kindergarten and even though the school is right around the corner I drive her because my king of a son thinks it is still way to hot to walk. Then she goes to gymnastics and a RE class for church. Blake is in school two days a week and just started soccer so we have practice and games and he is also in a RE class for church and of course not on the same day as Abby's. So I feel like all I do is drive drive drive!!!

I would not trade my children for anything in the world and I am blessed that Jeff and I can provide them extra curricular things to do especially with the way the economy is today. I just feel like with all the chauffeuring I do I can't get the everyday stuff done around the house. I think that I lack in time management skills so any moms out there that have a great routine pass it on over!!!

Enough of the complaining we did have a great weekend. Blake had his first soccer game and scored 4 GOALS!! We could not believe how good he was. They only had one practice before the game and he just caught on. It is the complete opposite of the boy who played t-ball a couple of months ago. We might have next David Beckham! lol Then we had our godson Kyler's 3rd birthday party which was a lot of fun for adults and the kids. Then on Sunday I had my parents over for dinner for grandparents day!! We love you and thank you for all you do!!

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