Tuesday, September 30, 2008

My Dad The Hero

Last week was Fire Safety Week and our wonderful daughter Abby was so excited that her dad is a fireman that she nominated him to come talk to her class! Well, what started out Jeff reading a book to 20 kindergartners turned out to him doing a presentation for all 150 kindergartners. Jeff got Patty and Cody from his crew to come help along with a Gilbert engine. Abby was so excited that her dad was coming to school that she woke up at 6am ready, than wanted him to stay all day with her. Unfortunately, I was unable to go because I had my other kids but when I picked Abby up from school her teacher, Ms. Dupper said that it was the best fire presentation that she has ever had. Way to go Daddy and thanks to everyone that came and helped our daughter's school!!

Jeff talking to the kids

Jeff telling the kids not to be afraid of them

Patty letting the kids try on her gear

Cody and Abby

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Busy Times

Crazy days

The life of a mom with three kids and pregnant with one that is not hers is crazy!!! Those women that have more I envy you. I feel like my whole week consists of taxiing my kids around. Abby is in kindergarten and even though the school is right around the corner I drive her because my king of a son thinks it is still way to hot to walk. Then she goes to gymnastics and a RE class for church. Blake is in school two days a week and just started soccer so we have practice and games and he is also in a RE class for church and of course not on the same day as Abby's. So I feel like all I do is drive drive drive!!!

I would not trade my children for anything in the world and I am blessed that Jeff and I can provide them extra curricular things to do especially with the way the economy is today. I just feel like with all the chauffeuring I do I can't get the everyday stuff done around the house. I think that I lack in time management skills so any moms out there that have a great routine pass it on over!!!

Enough of the complaining we did have a great weekend. Blake had his first soccer game and scored 4 GOALS!! We could not believe how good he was. They only had one practice before the game and he just caught on. It is the complete opposite of the boy who played t-ball a couple of months ago. We might have next David Beckham! lol Then we had our godson Kyler's 3rd birthday party which was a lot of fun for adults and the kids. Then on Sunday I had my parents over for dinner for grandparents day!! We love you and thank you for all you do!!

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Labor Day Party

Jeff and I were informed on Friday that Abby was going to have a Labor Day party with my mom. So, she spent all weekend planning for her party. She spent the night at my parents on Friday so her and my mom could plan it. Then Jeff and I were told that we all had to spend the night there on Sunday night so she could get ready for her party. So we loaded everyone up (including dogs to spend the night!!) so Abby could get ready. When we got there we were amazed she planned everything herself, the food, decorations and even the guest list. She was our little Paula Dean! Then menu included (thought up by Abby) fried chicken, baked ziti, salad, bread, fruit, homemade dip, cucumbers carrots, ranch, pumpkin pie, apple pie, chocolate pie and two other deserts from her Paula Dean cookbook, fruit funs, apple juice, Juicy Juice, milk and water. My mom and her made everything for the exception of salad (my assignment) and apple pie (Jeff's assignment)and she even called and invited all her guests. With all her hard work and planning her party turned out great!! She is just like my mom and knows how to throw a good party. We were so proud off all that she did and had a great time. And thank you to my mom who helped Abby pull all this together and let her lead the way. Way to go our little party planner!!

Abby and her food she prepared

Abby and some of her guests!