Monday, March 3, 2008

Our Poor little Ava

I swear our little Ava has had her share of issues since she made her debut just nine months ago. She has had seven ear infections, febrile seizures and urinary tract infections. And I guess she thought this evening she wanted to take another trip to Phoenix Children's Urgent Care. When I got there I was for sure it was another ear infection because she has been so fussy the last couple of days and running a fever. But, much to my surprise they were clear. So I was ready to walk out of the door when I had this weird feeling there was something wrong so I asked the doctor to check her urine. I hate doing this to her because they have to cath her and I know it is painful. Sure enough she has another UTI. Poor baby I can't believe it and what scares me the most is last time she got one she started having seizures. So they loaded her up on antibiotics and pain meds and sent us home. So, tomorrow I have to schedule her two tests to be done at Phoenix Children's to check her kidneys and her urine flow. They are concerned because infants should not get UTI's unless there is a problem with her "plumbing". Please pray for her that nothing serious is wrong and she does not have another seizure.


The Gerard Family said...

I know I already talked to you today, but you know we are thinking about you guys and praying for you.

"He is the source of every mercy and the God who comforts us"
2 Corinthians 1:3

The Jacobs Family said...

That is so scary. We spent several days at PCH with Ryan in December for seizures. I hope that everything comes back normal, and that Ava doesn't have any more seizures. Please let us know what happens.