Monday, February 11, 2008

Fun Filled Weekend

It has been crazy around the Otter's house the last couple of weeks. This weekend was no exception. I took the kids and their buddy Ausytn to see Hannah Montana at the IMAX on Friday and then they played at our house afterwards. Hopefully it gave Austyn's mom a little break!! Then on Saturday we signed papers for our house and get the keys this Thursday. It is in Seville which is in Gilbert and it has a lot more room for the kids to be crazy in. Jeff and I are sad that we will be moving out of our first home that has so many wonderful memories but we will make new ones in the new house. Then the rest of the day was packed full of birthday parties for the family. I swear there is not a weekend that goes by that it is not someone on the Rooney side's birthday!!! Then our little miss Ava thought that she needed her mom and dads attention on Sunday and had us spend the day at Phoenix Children's Urgent Clinic!!! Hope everyone else had a great weekend and HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY!

The New house

Abby, Blake and Austyn eating lunch!!! That was a chore because they just wanted to play!!

Ava's first ride with her big brother driving!!

Cousin Caitlyn's 16th birthday party.

1 comment:

The Gerard Family said...

YAH!! Love the house its so pretty. Can't wait to see it this weekend. Thanks again for taking Austyn he had a blast and is still singing "Nobodys perfect"!! Thanks for your friendship.